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3dpi filtering half mask

    “Doctors won’t make you healthy. Nutritionists won’t make you slim. Teachers won’t make you smart. Gurus won’t make you calm. Mentors won’t make you rich. Trainers won’t make you fit. Ultimately, you have to take responsibility. Save yourself.”.

    Naval Ravikant

    -> this project is awaiting for FDA Approvation as certified 3D-Printed Mask for COVID-19 <-

    A Filtering HALF mask to protect against particles, which derives from research that continues to improve through an iterative process. The 3DPI mask is the result of weeks of 3D printing production and testing.

    The mask is completely optimized to be produced in PA12 (polyamide 12 – nylon 12) using HP Multi Jet Fusion technology. It is composed of few parts, all produced with the same material; it has only be assembled with certificated FFP2/FFP3 filters, a silicone drawn and an elastic band. All 3D printed parts are reusable, can be quickly cleaned and sanitized with alcoholic liquids. Exception is made for FFP filters, the silicone drawn and the elastic band, which can be easily removed and replaced when necessary.


    PA12 was choosen as best material for this purpose, due to its intrinsic characteristics of:

    • durability
    • flexibility
    • antibacterial
    • hygienic
    • skin-contact certification
    • waterproofness certification
    • UL certification


    • PA12 mask body
    • PA12 mechanical filters
    • PA12 front blockage
    • FFP2/FFP3 filters
    • elastic band
    • silicone drawn

    Material certifications

    This project is featured on

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services  —  National Institutes of Health
    project code: 3DPX-013656
    cathegory: labware&devices

    a project ideated and curated by Alessandro tassinari
    prototyping technical support: Domenico Barreca – Operatech
    date: april 2020