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circular restaurant

    “A new and strategic cycle has begun for Eni: from being an oil company it has become an energy company and is now betting on the circular economy to become carbon neutral.

    Claudio Descalzi

    The pavilion showacased three main technologies promoted by Eni: the valorisation of organic waste to produce second generation fuel; the production of biodiesel from cooking oil; the recycle of polystirene to produce new plastics for buildings insulation.

    Circular cuisine was central to the Eni space. Around a big rounded table the visitors were able to enojy direct contact with the technology used to transform cooking oil into biofuel.

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    a project ideated and curated by CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati for the Italian energy company Eni
    venue: Maker faire Rome
    photos credits: Eni
    October 2018